Amsterdam Burlesque Award Festival

The Queens & King 2017:

Bobby Barnaby from the USA, Amsterdam King of Boylesque 2017Fifi LaRoux from Ireland, Amsterdam Queen of Neo Burlesque 2017Fanny di Favola from Germany, Amsterdam Queen of Classic Burlesque 2017


The Queens & King 2016:

Tom Harlow from Scotland, Amsterdam King of Boylesque 2016Deena Ray from the Netherlands, Amsterdam Queen of Neo Burlesue 2016colette Collerette from Belgium, Amsterdam Queen of Classic Burlesque 2016


The Queens & King 2015:

Raoulala from the Netherlans, Amsterdam King of Boylesqu 2015Nuit Blanche from Italy, Amsterdam Queen of Neo Burlesque 2015Madame Romanova from Russia, Amsterdam Queen of Classic Burlesque 2015

The Queens & King 2014:

Jay C from France, Amsterdam King of Boylesque 2014Tronicat La Miez from Germany, Amsterdm Queen of Neo Burlesque 2014Yvette Les Fesses from Sweden, Amsterdam Queen of Classic Burlesque 2014



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